A great training day with Paul Rogers from Pellier Event Photography. A leading Event Photographer who has brought a new dimension to social events photography.
Paul has a pretty unique approach to this style of photography, concentrating on black backdrops and subtle lighting to bring out a very pleasing effect that has brought him much acclaim from his peers and even better, His Customers.

This has resulted in Paul being much sought after by some of the leading event organisers.
Some of the venues he has covered to date include Manchester United Charity Ball, The Dorchester, Waldorf Hotel, Hilton Park Lane, Dorchester and Grosevenor House, Just to name a few !
OK, so how did the training go ?
There were twelve of us in all, all from The Event Photographers Society (of which we are a member).
Paul started the day off with some great marketing tips,including web presence and improved SEO, innovative software to aid workflow, followed by on site marketing to the customers. Some of the guys at the meeting are very experienced seasoned event photographers, but you could see by the glint in their eye that they would definitely be implimenting some of these ideas.
We then went on to the main event and real purpose of the day, Lighting and Posing.
Again, some great revelations, especially in posing methods, concentrating on how to get the best from the customer (let's face it, we're all shapes and sizes) onto the camera with the most flattering and dynamic results.
All in all, a very well delivered training day in which we will definitely be impimenting some of the ideas and strategies that we learnt. 5 Star.
Also great to meet up with some of our fellow members of EPS and put faces to names.
Thanks Paul for a very informative and enjoyable days' training.
Paul Rogers, Pellier Event Photography, paul@pellierevents.co.uk